Quoting: 1973 British Open Champion - Tom Weiskolf once said, “Physics don’t lie. There is no such thing as a perfect swing. If you hit a perfect shot then you made a perfect swing.” I love that!
There are a few ways to hit the ball longer: 1) Get more upright. The best way to teach yourself to get upright is to place a ball under your back armpit and then make sure to drop it at the top of your backswing. Getting more upright creates a bigger arch, longer swing, more whip. 2). When you get the swing to the top rotate your hips as fast as you can too through the ball. I know people who've gone to $1500 a weekend golf camp to learn to do it. That's crazy! Especially, when you can do it yourself. Another way is to work out and stretch. A great exercise to do to increase your rotation is to get a 5lbs. ball and throw it toward the target. Best if you have at least two people. This exercise will naturally help you rotate through the ball. Good luck,
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