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Showing posts from February, 2020

Hit The Ball Longer (Golf)

There are a few ways to hit the ball longer: 1) Get more upright. The best way to teach yourself to get upright is to place a ball under your back armpit and then make sure to drop it at the top of your backswing. Getting more upright creates a bigger arch, longer swing, more whip. 2). When you get the swing to the top rotate your hips as fast as you can too through the ball. I know people who've gone to $1500 a weekend golf camp to learn to do it. That's crazy! Especially, when you can do it yourself. Another way is to work out and stretch. A great exercise to do to increase your rotation is to get a 5lbs. ball and throw it toward the target. Best if you have at least two people. This exercise will naturally help you rotate through the ball. Good luck,

On golfing and Youtube videos

On the topic of Youtube videos: Stop watching Youtube videos on how to learn golf. Don’t be a putz. They are more about self-promotion than anything. If anyone tells you anything different they are a liar. By the way, you might want to check out my video:

The Golf Tournament this week,

Betting on golf is probably the easiest way to win money than any other action in the world. Last year, I had shingles and had nothing to do but lay in bed with pain killers and four years of PGA Stats. That's where I found five plays that will make you anywhere from two and half-times your money each week, on average. Tomorrow, Rory has a 60% chance of coming in. I have written a book called, "Bet Golf To Win Big Bucks." It's an experiment in golf betting and progressive betting. It was a lot of fun to write and as we are into our 19th tournament into the year up over 50% on our money. That doesn't sound like a lot, but we are only bettering tens and twenties up till this point. We've started with $400, got it up to $675, lost six straight bets and still up on the year. If we win tomorrow, we'll gain over seventy bucks to the kitty. It's more for fun than anything but after a consistent win steak, we've gone from betting $10 a play to

Where are you losing strokes?

THINK!!! Think!!! COME ON…, Where are you losing strokes? Now, either realize it yourself or find someone to show you what is going on. Come on, it’s got to be driver, irons, short game, or putting. Be truthful. Now, go out and practice. *I’m not going to say anything here. Notice, I put a great deal of emphasis on scoring, not swinging the club. There are enough books and theories about swimming a club, but hardly anyone ever talks about scoring, or what it takes to score. They kind of leave it to you. What makes you think you know how to get the ball around the course? I once played a round of golf with a 15 handicapper who watched me shoot 73. I had not played golf in almost six months, but I did it as a favor for one of my brothers. Because my skill level was in question, I played to the fat of the fairways and greens and two-putted them, made the occasional birdie and bogey. I even had a ten-footer for birdie on the eighteenth hole but blew it. A year later, a friend of m

Playing In Outings....

Warming Up: Before playing in an outing, hit balls first and then drink last. The worse thing you could do when playing in an outing is not warm up. There are lots of ways to warm up; taking a couple clubs and swinging them, hitting balls, chipping, pitching and putting. What do the pros do before they play in a golf tournament? They hit balls first and then go to the putting green because they want the feel of the speed of the greens before they go out and play. Now, if you are just there to have fun, start drinking in your car before you get there. Regardless, pace yourself, moderation and more than likely, it's a business outing so don't make a fool of yourself.

5 Strategies for Par 3s

Par Threes: To Tee I up, or Not to Tee it up, that is the Question: Always tee up the ball on a par three. Never just throw a ball down on the ground and hit it. Anytime the rules allow you to place the ball in a better place take advantage of it. Ball Flight: If your predominant ball flight is left to right and the pin is to the right on the green, under no circumstances are you allow to miss a green to the right, alright? Distance Control: If you hit the ball hole high you will never be that far away from the hole (okay, what did I just comment on? Distance control with your irons). Playing the Angles: When teeing up on a par three and the pin is on the right, tee it up on the opposite side, that way you can play it toward the middle of the green and work it toward the pin; do the opposite if the pin is not the left. The Rules of Golf: If you are in between clubs, you can take the ball back up to two club-lengths on the tee. That means if you think you have too much club you

Grip Pressure (Golf)

SQUEEZING THE CLUB: The most debilitating thing you could do to your golf game is to squeeze the club with your hands or tighten your wrist in an attempt to control it. We hold things according to the weight of the thing to control. In order for you to use the same strategy as in any other sport get five clubs and hold them in your hands. See, you don't squeeze them but only use the strength necessary to get the job done (to control them). Check your grip pressure, often. You want the reason WHY don’t you? Okay, try and figure it out and if you ask nicely, I’ll explain it later.