SQUEEZING THE CLUB: The most debilitating thing you could do to your golf game is to squeeze the club with your hands or tighten your wrist in an attempt to control it. We hold things according to the weight of the thing to control. In order for you to use the same strategy as in any other sport get five clubs and hold them in your hands. See, you don't squeeze them but only use the strength necessary to get the job done (to control them). Check your grip pressure, often. You want the reason WHY don’t you? Okay, try and figure it out and if you ask nicely, I’ll explain it later.
There are a few ways to hit the ball longer: 1) Get more upright. The best way to teach yourself to get upright is to place a ball under your back armpit and then make sure to drop it at the top of your backswing. Getting more upright creates a bigger arch, longer swing, more whip. 2). When you get the swing to the top rotate your hips as fast as you can too through the ball. I know people who've gone to $1500 a weekend golf camp to learn to do it. That's crazy! Especially, when you can do it yourself. Another way is to work out and stretch. A great exercise to do to increase your rotation is to get a 5lbs. ball and throw it toward the target. Best if you have at least two people. This exercise will naturally help you rotate through the ball. Good luck,
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